RS Crew
Martin Splitt @g33konaut
JavaScript is getting faster, but there are a few shady spots that most of us haven't seen yet. Let's shed some light on using Web Workers, GPU computing and Web Assembly to go into warp speed!
Anna Selezniova @asktwi
Front-end technologies are evolving at astonishing speed. Trying to keep up with what's new, we forget about the basics. Sometimes we get tired and lose the desire to go on. At that point, it's time to look at the front-end from a different angle. I want to share with you how I see it. And to answer the question: "What is front-end?"
Matt Zeunert @mattzeunert
Most people use Babel to compile ES2015 or JSX code. But it's actually a general purpose JavaScript compilation tool.
In the first part of the talk we’ll look at how Babel works and how to create your own code transformation rules.
We’ll then look at how Babel can be used to write dynamic analysis tools. How can we find the callers of a function? Why does a variable have the value it has?
Vsevolod Rodionov @jabher
Neural nets, widely called in news an AI, sounds like something extremely complicated, but actually they are simpler to understand than client-server sync, and sometimes easier to use. Vsevolod is going to talk about neural nets and machine learning in general, how they work, how to use them and why you can love them - speaking not like university professor, but as software engineer and a web developer. And, which is even more awesome - Synaptic 2, the upcoming version of neural nets framework for browsers and node.js, will be released right before Rolling Scopes and will be shown and talked about for the first time.
Rafael Teixeira Fernandes @adammodus
So you've heard about service workers, progressive web apps, how they're the "next big thing" for a lot of web developers and frontend developers and all that jazz… Well, I'm not gonna preach you the PWA gospel, but I will try to share my love for the emerging offline-first attitude.
I'll be using a simple open source PWA for this and show what is the code behind a generic service worker that will work for most scenarios, tell you how it works, maybe what you can do with it and hopefully teach you a few tricks and have you excited about implementing it in your projects!
Vsevolod Rodionov @jabher
Neural nets, widely called in news an AI, sounds like something extremely complicated, but actually they are simpler to understand than client-server sync, and sometimes easier to use. Vsevolod is going to talk about neural nets and machine learning in general, how they work, how to use them and why you can love them - speaking not like university professor, but as software engineer and a web developer. And, which is even more awesome - Synaptic 2, the upcoming version of neural nets framework for browsers and node.js, will be released right before Rolling Scopes and will be shown and talked about for the first time.
Cafe "iKompot". Address: vulісa Akadеmіka Kuprеvіča 3
Stefania Ioana Chiorean @ioana_cis
Many developers do not consider web standards while create their webpages/apps. This will create a bad experience for some users that not use that product with a certain OS or application. And nowdays there are way to many configuration available to be sure you use the right one. And a limited memory will narrow your option to have several apps installed only for certain webpages. Some simple example for a bike sharing system, a Michelin rated restaurant from Stockholm or a museum in Krakow - that worked poorly on several browsers will show the importance of compatibility. Best practices for developers will be presented. Best practices for report issues will be exemplified. Already fixed issue will present simple solutions to the audience that unblocked several users.
Stefan Judis @stefanjudis
The web platform gets stronger every month. Bluetooth, offline capability and even virtual reality are coming into our browsers.
Does this mean that we don't need desktop apps anymore?
No, a big trend is happening in parallel. A new go-to platform to build desktop applications entered the stage – Electron.
Everything in Electron is built with HTML, CSS and JavaScript. Now frontend developers build almost everything with it. From small tiny apps solving everyday problems to full fledged IDEs – developers build tools for the environment they spend at least eight hours a day in: the desktop.
Let's have a look at how this works and what it takes to build a desktop app.
Gabriel Mičko @gabriel_micko
The presentation covers an introduction to the GraphQL query language, explaining its features and benefits. I will show how minimal investment you have to do to start up your GraphQL endpoint without having to rewrite your entire database infrastructure. The workshop is mostly a live demonstration (live coding).
Ekaterina Prigara @katyaprigara
JavaScript fatigue was one of the hottest topics in 2016. Every day a frontend developer uses a dozen of various tools: compilers, linters, task runners, debugger, VCS, not to mention all the frameworks and libraries. In this talk I'll explain how to set up your development workflow in WebStorm in a most productive way and use all these tools more efficiently in the IDE.
Gabriel Mičko @gabriel_micko
The presentation covers an introduction to the GraphQL query language, explaining its features and benefits. I will show how minimal investment you have to do to start up your GraphQL endpoint without having to rewrite your entire database infrastructure. The workshop is mostly a live demonstration (live coding).
Dmitriy Schekhovtsov @valorkin
Stop mapping knowledge of one implementation to another, get familiar with patterns once and use them everywhere. With this knowledge you will be able to understand and use Angular 2, or any other frameworks, much faster and effectively.
Charlie Wood
Do you like lego? Do you like consistency across websites? Do you want to be part of an open source community with real designers? Join us for a rapid flight through PatternFly.
Vitaly Friedman @smashingmag
In this talk, Vitaly Friedman, editor-in-chief of Smashing Magazine, will be highlighting a case study of how Smashing Magazine’s team has been improving performance and their struggles along the way. We’ll talk about the transition to HTTP/2, dealing with web fonts and advertising, utilizing service workers and prefetching techniques, as well as loading and deploying strategies to improve both actual and perceived performance. In the end, some things worked, and others failed, and this talk will highlight them all — with a sneak preview of what’s coming up next. Beware: we’ll cover some of the dirty little tricks that you might not be able to unlearn once you see them.
Address: Vulitsa Gikala 5, Minsk
Dr. Axel Rauschmayer @rauschma
In this talk, we’ll go into the latest JavaScript features and how they are designed.
Starting with ECMAScript 2016, the new “TC39 process” is used to create ECMAScript versions. We’ll start by learning how it works. Then we will take a look at the final feature set of ES2017, which was also created with that process and to which the last feature was aded at the end of January. Finally, we’ll examine what features are likely to be added to JavaScript after ES2017.
Vital Varanovich @vitvor
Service Design is a form of conceptual work which is to design service according to customers needs and capabilities of a service provider, so that service is user-friendly, competitive and relevant. Vital will describe how such kind of design work is performed based on constitutive project for Liberty Global, the leading international telecommunications and television company with operations in 14 countries.
Martin Splitt @g33konaut
In this workshop, you'll learn how to make a progressive web app using Polymer. We will create components to build an app that features user authentication, a database backend, offline data availability and the ability to be installed to the home screen of an Android device.
That may sound like a lot to consider, but worry not: Polymer Web Components make it easy to unlock the power of the web platform. Let's get coding!
Vadim Makeev @pepelsbey
Everything is so covered with sugar we can’t even unstick our hands from keyboard—it’s so convenient! When one front-end developer can’t understand the others’ code, when you’re reading a article and there’s an alien language instead of styles, it means diabetes. Purism, Luddism and a bit of a holy war.
Martin Splitt @g33konaut
In this workshop, you'll learn how to make a progressive web app using Polymer. We will create components to build an app that features user authentication, a database backend, offline data availability and the ability to be installed to the home screen of an Android device.
That may sound like a lot to consider, but worry not: Polymer Web Components make it easy to unlock the power of the web platform. Let's get coding!
Cafe "iKompot". Address: vulісa Akadеmіka Kuprеvіča 3
Andrei Palchys
Что делать, если используешь Angular 1, но все говорят, что он "мертв" и будущее за новой версией? Все переписывать с нуля? Андрей расскажет о возможных вариантах развития событий и их плюсах/минусах основанных на реальных проектах.
Antoni Huguet Vives @GatMesquer
From the moment someone accesses your site the loading time is a critical factor. Statistics have proven to us that if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, you’ve already lost half of your users. Fortunately modern browsers offer different storage technologies to cache information so it only needs to be downloaded once from your network. This is the largest loading performance win you can implement today. We all know that caching is hard so this talk will cover the best practices and design patterns to make your caching strategies production ready. And the most important (and coolest thing) is that I’ll demonstrate how to make them work together with one of the most cutting edge technologies for caching: service workers!
Andrey Listochkin @listochkin
Бывает так: нужен дропдаун, но не стандартный, а особенный. Сердце подсказывает, что должен быть для моего фреймворка хороший расширяемый дропдаун! Берешь 2-3 популярных, а в них нет тех настроек, что тебе нужны, и нет возможности что-то в них менять так, чтобы не переписывать дропдаун целиком. Обидно. И вот сидишь в 2017 году, и как на 10 лет назад переместился - пилишь свой дропдаун. Уже третий за год!
Ведь так быть не должно, правда? Поговорим о расширяемых компонентах, о компонентах, способных меняться самим и менять поведение соседей. Как их писать? О чем стоит думать?
Denys Dovhan @denysdovhan
JavaScript may give us a convenient approach for extending possibilities of shells and command line applications. This talk is a review of existing solutions in the world of JavaScript shells, their cons and pros, possible areas of usage.
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